When you send a dick-pic or nudie to your sibling and/or first cousin(s)
Intext is legal in South Carolina, if you are over 18.

The picture of my genitals intended for my girlfriend wound up on my sisters phone; check your friend before you send, intext is a bitch.
by Kip Drordy April 14, 2014
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Result of texting on your cellphone while driving.
Oh shit! That guy's intexticated! He gonna run right into that telephone pole!
by Klite49 August 24, 2012
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An addiction to text at all times, like driving, getting ready for work, at work, to family. Etc.
John was intexticated while driving which made him unable to pay attention to the road and was texting instead.
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people that text and drive in a daze and arn't paying attention to driving

Has a new word for people that text and drive
I'm wondering if there going to come up with a device to determine if your in Intexticated or not while driving ???????
by RowdyRebel November 17, 2009
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Driving while focusing on a text message.
Man-Crap I wrecked my car.
Police-No regard for the road only your social life.Looks like we have another one who was intexticated.
by The Biz March 9, 2012
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The art of text messaging while intoxicated, usually at bars or parties.
Dude, sorry what I said last night, but I was really intexticated.
by Eric66 December 2, 2007
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When someone becomes completely deaf to reality while texting on their phone.
Guy: What do you want to eat tonight
Girl: *no answer*
Guy: Oh yeah, I forgot, you're intexticated when you pick up that phone
by yoMomma420 June 2, 2010
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