is referred to excessive amount of money.
straight brownies - you got money
All I got is batter - little amount of money
yo! you better get that to the oven - go make some money
by pensandpapers September 28, 2021
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Northen slang of a female giving a male oral sex
You gave him brownies?
Yeah, it was great.
by daddysyogurt December 8, 2021
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When you take a shit and then shove it up the girls pussy, 'impregnating' her with the poop.
hey Candice, u wanna bake a brownie tonight?
by Autistic_Lemon June 19, 2023
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Lady bakes a brownie on the sidewalk when she couldn't make it to the toilet. dump
by rollonman January 15, 2018
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When you stuff a black girls ass with marijuana and eat out her ass
“Man you won’t believe it, me and just Jocelyn did a Pot Brownie last night”
by Emranpro19 March 25, 2023
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Its when your lady and you eat some brownies while snuggling after having anal sex.
Girl goes home tells friend "I think I got dannybear brownied last night"
by Chestering aint easy March 31, 2016
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