38 definitions by yyuryyubicuryy4me

A meldrop is a drop of mucus at the end of the nose, whether produced by cold weather, sickness, or otherwise.
As if having just acquiring these blasted chilblains wasn’t bad enough, I now had to take care of this disdaining flow of meldrops.
by yyuryyubicuryy4me July 3, 2018
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parasigmatism is the inability to pronounce the sound of s with some other sound (as of f) being usually substituted for it.
“Sigmatism and parasigmatism and paralambdacism are strongly marked.” — The Mind of a Child” part ll by W. Preyer
by yyuryyubicuryy4me June 30, 2019
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In the legal profession and courts, a querulant is a person who obsessively feels wronged, particularly about minor causes of action. Specifically, the term is used for those who repeatedly petition authorities or pursue legal actions based on manifestly unfounded grounds. These applications (usually) include complaints about petty offenses. Querulant behavior is to be distinguished from either the obsessive pursuit of justice regarding major injustices, or the proportionate, reasonable, pursuit of justice regarding minor grievances.
“A man may choose a profession in which he can engage with individuals with related inclination; this is the case of a psychiatrist with paranoid schizoform inclinations, or a lawyer with querulant inclinations and an addiction to litigation.”
by yyuryyubicuryy4me July 12, 2018
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The enactment of sabering (removing a cork from a bottle of champagne) using a saber or champagne sword is called sabrage. If the champagne bottle is broken, shatters, or explodes during this process, it can be said that it has run afoul of sabrotage. This is a portmanteau of the words sabotage and sabrage.
So while you sit back and your wondering why,
I got these shards of glass stuck in my eyes, “Surprise!”
Oh my god, it's a bloody mirage,
I'm tellin' y'all, it's sabrotage!
by yyuryyubicuryy4me July 21, 2018
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“Every kiss begins with K” is one of many one-liner comeback jokes, that can be expressed after someone audibly releases a bellowed cloud of flatulence, or any other related type of cacophonous din.
Agent Oh: “Harder Daddy!”
Agent K: “Sure thing, boss lady.”
Agent Oh: (releases a fart from queefing)
Agent K: “Every kiss begins with K!”
by yyuryyubicuryy4me July 15, 2018
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A knight's tour is a sequence of moves of a knight on a chessboard such that the knight visits every square only once. If the knight ends on a square that is one knight's move from the beginning square (so that it could tour the board again immediately, following the same path), the tour is closed, otherwise it is open. A knight's tour problem is the mathematical problem of finding a knight's tour. Creating a program to find a knight's tour is a common problem given to computer science students. Variations of the knight's tour problem involve chessboards of different sizes than the usual 8 × 8, as well as irregular (non-rectangular) board.
While Brandon was on vacation, he steadily began to master the game theory involving chess. But when he was introduced to the knights tour, he realized this new level of expertise had more involvement than anything he encountered before.
by yyuryyubicuryy4me June 27, 2018
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A sabrage is a technique for opening a champagne bottle with a saber, used for ceremonial occasions. The wielder slides the saber along the body of the bottle to break the top of the neck away, leaving the neck of the bottle open and ready to pour. The force of the blunt side of the blade hitting the lip breaks the glass to separate the collar from the neck of the bottle. One does not use the sharp side of the blade. The cork and collar remain together after separating from the neck.
When it comes to using the sabrage technique, it’s not sharpness or size of the blade that matters, but more importantly, it is the strength of the impact.
by yyuryyubicuryy4me July 6, 2018
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