1 definition by y.a.R.

A n00b is a new player to a game who is a loser and talks like they own the game, when they are very bad at it. Do not confuse n00b with newb or newbie, because they are two different types of gamers.
-n00b: Io @r3 13347 ha><00ir5 5!!111111111 phre4e st0f pl09iikx!!!!111111 M3 powend u8uir m0m9m1!!! !!1111!!!!111111111 lol--lolo-lolokl llzsszzz!!!!111-111112232@@@
-Newb/Newbie: Could someone help me? I am new to the game and I would like to know more about it.
by y.a.R. September 10, 2006
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