9 definitions by xXWhiteKnightXx

A boner that is so hard that it hurts your penis.
Last night I watched so much fart fetish hentai that I got a bolens boat boner and it hurt so bad that I couldn't even fap without making it hurt even more!
by xXWhiteKnightXx July 17, 2010
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White "booty." One of THE best things in life EVAR. Runs real close with aooty (the nice and well-sized "booty" of an Asian girl) and animooty (the nice and well-sized animated "booty" of an Anime Girl,) because we all know White, Asian and Anime girls are the most beautiful girls ever. Mix that in together with the booty endowment of Black or Latino girls and that's such the most awesome thing ever that you'll get a boner!

It's a well-known fact that only beautiful white-skinned young ladies can release gas properly. A girl with such an ass will fart like "pssssssst" like an aerosol can because that's the best way girls can fart.
Whooty, Aooty and Animooty are such lovely things I feel dirty and profane using the term booty to describe them!
by xXWhiteKnightXx September 15, 2010
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What 99.9% of all Urban Dictionary definitions are (unlike the .91% that are actually funny, clever and/or descriptive.)
Angry person: You can't search a single word or phrase on this site without it turning up some fucking nasty, utterly disgusting, degrading and retarded sexual move that no one in their right mind would ever do, usually involving fecal matter and probably completely made up by either 14-year-old boys or misogynistic college men drunk on Bacardi 151!

Sane person: Wow dude, that's fuckin' trashy!
by xXWhiteKnightXx August 9, 2010
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The gayer cousin of professional wrestling. Unlike professional wrestlers, professional wrasslers must wear strange-looking headgear which resembles a pair of underwear, and dress in form-fitting tights. The object of wrassling is to feel up your male opponent as much as possible, then you win when the referee calls you out on sexual harassment. It is a well-known fact in the industry that if you wrassle against a little kid, it makes you a pedophile, so don't do that.
I thought we'd be signing up for wrestling in gym class, not wrassling!
by xXWhiteKnightXx July 26, 2010
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An airy hissing fart delivered by a man. Like the fart of an attractive girl it also goes "pfft" or "pssst," but this time it reeks of shit, Axe Body Spray and armpits and the man who farted the skeeker will be made fun of as a fag by his retarded bro friends, because apparently a lot of gay men have loose asses and fart out skeekers all the time. In reality, only goatse farts like this.
The other day at football practice I heard an aerosol can-like sound like "pssst" and thought that cute girl who made cheerleading squad had passed gas, then I got a bolens boat boner. It then turned out to be a skeeker when I heard the dumb white trash jock in my class laughing like a retard and he said he tagged me with dat stank shit, because he thinks he's hella cool, then he saw my boner and called me a fag. I then punched him in the face because only beautiful women should fart like that and if he farts like that, then he's the fag!
by xXWhiteKnightXx September 7, 2010
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A kind of girl fart which is how female angels fart. It is just a short, quick muffled hiss of gas that sounds just like a puff from a perfume bottle just like *pfft*
Guy (meets beautiful female angel): Wow, you're sexy!
Angel girl (lets out angel fart): *pfft* Excuse me *blushes*
Guy: Peww!
by xXWhiteKnightXx July 13, 2010
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Though it generally means shit or feces, when you poop something it can also mean you launch it or throw it very far.
Example A: Look at those football players, pooping their football around
Example B: The cat was being annoying so I pooped him across the yard
by xXWhiteKnightXx July 19, 2010
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