11 definitions by wxflurry

When a Catholic decides to ditch Sunday mass and instead have their own 'communion' in the comfort of their own home by way of a peanut butter & jelly sandwich.
Phil: Hey brah, what do you think you're doing ... shouldn't you be at mass?

Joseph: Naw brah, screw that. That damn communion bread wasn't gonna fill this playa up. Naw ... I decided to stay home for a good ole PB n' Jesus!
by wxflurry May 13, 2011
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Those signs with numbers on them that occasionally dot the sides of roads/freeways.
The speed suggestion sign suggested I go 30 mph ... so I'm going 65.
by wxflurry April 1, 2012
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A coin grand slam is something that any lazy schmuck who's worked a cash register knows all too well. It is the much-maligned phenomenon that occurs at the end of a transaction when the change that you owe back to the customer requires you to use at least one of each of the four principal coin denominations (quarter, dime, nickel, and penny) ... thus making you hate your job that much more.
*Cashier rings up customer's single $9.99 item and the computer shows a total of $10.94 after tax*

Cashier: "Holy-bejeebers another coin grand slam?!? That's my third in a row :( I can't take this s*hit anymore ... "
by wxflurry September 25, 2010
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To go out kicking and screaming like a little baby in an obviously misguided and futile attempt to salvage what's left of your inevitably doomed ego, instead of accepting defeat with grace.
When Kevin finished last in his school's spelling bee, he blamed everything from the organizers to the audience to his parents. He was unable to accept the fact that he lost fair and square due to his grossly inferior intelligence and mediocre linguistic aptitude. Don't be like Kevin. Don't lose like Trump.
by wxflurry November 9, 2020
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The feeling of complete and utter euphoria brought on by graduating from college. Often elicits bouts of binge drinking, screaming, fist-pumping and general insanity.
When I got out of my last final exam as a college student, I felt the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders. It was as if I had been finally set free from a lifetime of servitude. I started sprinting through campus just for the hell of it. When I got home I ate a whole tub of ice cream, downed three bottles of whiskey, and then slept for three straight days. I didn't realize it at the time, but apparently I had contracted an acute case of graduation jollies.
by wxflurry December 12, 2013
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The phenomenon that occurs when a man wearing relatively tight/slim pants keeps his phone, wallet, iPod, etc. in his pocket, causing it to bulge out noticeably, so much so that it's often possible to identify the item from its outline alone.
Example #1

*Two coworker friends are talking in the break-room as a third leaves*

Coworker #1: "HAHA ... dude did you see Mike's pocket pregnancy?!?"

Coworker #: "Did I see it?? I'm not blind bro ... I don't understand how he can walk around with that thing ... that's just GROSS!"

Coworker #1: "Yeah and as if that weren't already bad enough you can see clearly that he's still using that iPhone of his ... everyone knows the Evo is better!"

Coworker #2: "Word bro! The iPhone is LAMESAUCE."

Example #2

*Two bros finish having lunch and get up from the table*

Chris: "Holy shit dude I told you last time ... no boners when we're alone together in public!!"

Matt: "Dude calm down ... it's just a pocket pregnancy"
by wxflurry November 3, 2010
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The TV I wanted at Best Buy was not available in the store, so I purchased it on their webby.
by wxflurry February 18, 2014
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