6 definitions by woodenstone

when somone gets a peice of salami and slaps you across the face with it. this then gets your face all greasy and oily and sucks because you can't get the oil off not even with water, saop and lots of scrubbing and in a few days you will get zits and acne in that spot. In sleepover parties you should do it to somone when they are really tired and they wont go to sleep all night. also do it in thanksgiving, christmas dinner when salami is availabe
WOW!! you just got salami slapped that sucks tomorrow your face is gonna be full with acne
by woodenstone July 18, 2006
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a funny ass cartoon made by a group called locoarts of argentina. it is about a muscled guy with a mustache, drives a red ferrari and is forced to kill people by a teddybear that likes them bad words.
run like hell if you see reynaldo or your done!!
by woodenstone July 18, 2006
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A car that mercedes and mclaren made called the mclaren SLR which is really a mercedes not a mclaren (except for da tech)
GET OUTTA WAY!!! that macmerc is gonna run os ova at 200 a hour we be dead.
by woodenstone July 18, 2006
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1-In the legend of zelda: ocarina of time (also the best game ever created) when you begin the game you begin in an area called kokiri forest and there you can acess another area by climbing a cliff of vines called lost woods. here you go through a bunch of tunnels and have to guess your way through them if you mess up and go through the wrong tunnel you start form the begining. its very annoying but very cool once you get to the end where you enter the sacred meadows
2- a very hard place to find your way through.
1- i spent 2 hours finding my way through lost woods
2- the damn school is the lost woods i couldn't get to the library and had to ask the janitor.
by woodenstone July 18, 2006
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somone who is very annoying, is getting on your nerves and wont stop. this word is used when somone is being obnoxious. also used for people who are acting stupid and think they are funny even if they are not, special when they dont stop.
guy- dude stop being a gatuso!!!
ed- HAHAHA! whos being the gatuso now?
guy- my brother he keeps interupting the tv show. he's a real gatuso.
brother- dont call me that!!
guy- ok then stop man!
by woodenstone July 19, 2006
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a fast dutch sportscar which starred in the movie "Basic instinct 2". They are fast nice and more rare than ferraris or even lamborghinis.
When i roll in my spyker everyone be like whoa!! even that guy riding his ferrari be looking over at me.
by woodenstone July 18, 2006
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