18 definitions by wills0

Cop: Cop stands for "Cockmongoling Overdressed Pigs."

The Law: The Law stands for "Lulzworthy, Assholic Wanker." The Cops enforce the law; fucking pigs.
Cop: It's my duty to be a "Cockmongoling, Overdressed Pig." I help enforce the law because it's my job.

Me: You know what L.A.W stands for? It stands for "Lulzworthy, Assholic Wanker."

Cop: You're under arrest for indecent language.

Me: Fuck You!

Cop: Put your hands behind your back.

Me: Cool! 2 definitions in 1.
by wills0 June 20, 2010
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adult:5'10" (147cm)
child:4'10" (178cm)


adult male:165lb (75kg)
adult female:132lb (60kg)
child:88lb (40kg)
And that's their actual fallout 3 sizes.
by wills0 December 27, 2011
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pimping man, pimping.
by wills0 July 9, 2009
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A pencil is a slang word for penis.
A pencil sharpener is a slang word for vagina.
Pencil shavings is a slang word for cum.

e.g When a man and a woman have sex, the man sticks his pencil into the woman's pencil sharpener and they have sex. After a while, pencil shavings explode out of the pencil and into the pencil sharpener.
by wills0 July 28, 2009
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A school assistant who supports teachers who need help and students who need to stay on task.
Teacher's aides are there to help.
by wills0 July 27, 2009
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A game where you have to run from one place to another, while trying to avoid being tackled by the person who's in, because the person who's in has to try and tackle the other players before they can get past him. Once you're tackled, you're in and you too have to tackle the other players before they can get past you.
Me and my friends played bullrush last night.
by wills0 July 14, 2010
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