4 definitions by why_is_this_username_taken

Unfortunately the majority of F1 motor racing fans as of recent. On every social media platform this mob comes in massive numbers, there is no escaping them. These fans are almost never positive, unless it’s about vettel of course 🥺. They usually know nothing about the sport, and blame his recent failures on things that were totally in his control and his fault.
Ex1: “Commonly found on Twitter and Reddit, the Toxic Vettel Fan can be found in his natural habitat at the bottom of posts creating flame wars against the facts.”


Toxic Vettel Fan: OMG did you see what happened to Vettel did omg he spun out omg *some other random thing* caused it this was not vettels fault omg Vettel is being so oppressed omg” “Also fuck Ferrari it was 100% your fault vettel didn’t win the championship in 2018”
Normal person w/ iq above 8: “oh boy here comes the toxic vettel fans”
by why_is_this_username_taken August 30, 2021
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A supposed "fan" of motorsports and racing specifically F1 but complains about every single aspect of the sport.

Also likes to shit on other forms of motorsport for not being F1.
Person 1: What are the f1 fans creating a Twitter shitstorm about this time?

Person 2: Who the fuck knows it could literally be anything...
by why_is_this_username_taken March 19, 2021
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A low quality post oftentimes found on the website of Reddit made for the attempt of circljerking and gaining karma. Is never an original idea or thought
Redditor: 😂😂 look at this meme I found it says wholesome chungus 100😂😂

Normal Person: That’s the same recycled garbage you’ve seen in the last 5 posts
by why_is_this_username_taken April 18, 2021
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A subreddit on the site of Reddit which has grown over the past few years, to the point where the average IQ dropped like a coconut, and is now mostly filled with circle jerking clowns who hate the sport more than they like it.

It only accepts one opinion, the one of the hivemind, and any other opinion, even if correct, will get you shunned right off the sub. Because of this the discussions are never actually discussions, and always useless offering absolutely nothing insightful about them.
In theory r/formula1 should be a great sub for followers and fans of F1 to go to however is ruined by the toxicity, idiocy, and clownery of redditards and F1 Fan s in general
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