1 definition by wheatwillrockyou

a game played mostly by males in which (when someone farts) someone calls "doorknob" and beats the shit out of the farter until he or she passes out or touches a doorknob... the farter can call "safety" to keep from getting the shit beat out of him or her.
1. steve farts
2. bill: "doorknob!"
3. a fight ensues
4. steve touches a doorknob
5. life goes back to normal

1. steve farts
2. bill: "doorknob"
3. a fight ensues
4. steve is too bruised and broken to get to the doorknob
5. steve never farts again

1. steve farts
2. steve: "safety"
3. the room stinks and bill does nothing
by wheatwillrockyou January 6, 2009
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