1 definition by whatsherbutt

Herpes is an STD that can't be cured. You don't have to be a whore to get them, it's a possibility to get them because your current boyfriend (or girlfriend) once dated and married a whore that would get pissed at you cause she thinks The Who song Baba O'Riley is actually called Teenage Wasteland and leave you for a few months, sleep with another guy, or twelve, and come back to you and deny ever having something. Then when someone innocent comes along, he doesn't mention anything about it until it's too late. Yes the disease is hard to deal with emotionally at first but you learn to get over it and you can always take medicine to prevent an outbreak or instantly take it away if you start to get one and it will also prevent from passing it on. And it usually makes you feel that you're either stuck with the person you're with or you can't ever have sex with anyone else cause you don't want them to know or you don't want to pass it on. Outbreaks hurt like hell, sometimes so bad you can't even walk. Some people may only have one outbreak, possibly none and never know they have it. Be sure that if you're about to sleep with someone, check to see that person has any red bumps that don't look normal and are sensitive, or red scab that is probably peeling a layer of skin, it's most likely herpes. If you already do have them, just remember that you're not alone and there's a lot more people that have them than you think.
herpes = STD
by whatsherbutt March 19, 2011
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