2 definitions by whats_a_pseudonym2

The unwritten street rules of smoking weed in groups or circles, usually broken by rookie smokers. Without these, it would be anarchy. Does not apply if you are smoking something to your face. These rules are not in any specific order.

- Rollers Rights are always in effect
- The person who purchased or chips in the most money for the weed always gets to roll
- You cannot complain about the weed being bush if you did not chip any money in to buy it
- Calling out deuce before the joint is rolled up results in getting bitch place (last in line)
- If smoking a blunt, no one is allowed to back down
- If smoking a blunt, no one is allowed to take baby-tokes
- Rookies acting paranoid will result in a punch in the arm from the rest of the group
- Dropping the the blunt or spliff results in a punch in the arm from the rest of the group
- Not "ringing" a canoeing blunt with saliva to fix it results in a punch in the arm from the rest of the group
- Always smoke it down to the last toke
- What happens in the smoking circle stays in the smoking circle (unless it was way too funny)
*Rookie drops the blunt, gets punched by everybody*
Rookie: Why?!?!?!?!
Me: Don't you know The Rules of Smoking Weed? Don't ever drop the blunt!
by whats_a_pseudonym2 November 28, 2007
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When you are in a group about to smoke some weed, "deuce!" is called after the blunt or spliff is rolled up to gain status as second in line to hit it (after the roller). If called out before it is fully rolled, it will result in the person getting bitch (last in line to hit it). Proceeded with Treys for third, Quads for fourth, ect...
(Group of 5 people, Blunt is finished being rolled by person 1)
person 2: Deuce!
person 3: Treys!
person 4: awww man...
by whats_a_pseudonym2 November 28, 2007
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