4 definitions by webbedfeethead

The term "Chung" refers to the act of biting or gnawing on another person's foot.
I was so out of it the other night that I grabbed Sam by the leg and chunged on his foot. Didn't taste the best I must add!
by webbedfeethead September 6, 2007
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Noun. Term used to denote an intellectually slow person of strange appearance and/or behaviour.
"That is so stupid, don't be such a Desmond!"
by webbedfeethead March 14, 2007
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Roundy is a slur used to describe a person who is overweight.
by webbedfeethead March 14, 2007
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Another term for a "high five", usually said in order to initiate the giving of the five.
"Yeah that's great, gimme five!"


"Yeah that's great, Poncho!"
by webbedfeethead March 14, 2007
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