11 definitions by vaxt

Short for Computer Science. Usually mentioned in universities. Computer Scientists are not part of a professional organization and get paid less than (often) less qualified "Software Engineers" as a result.
Software Engineer: What program are you in?
Computer Scientist: CS man.
Software Engineer: Yeah I'm going to be making way more money than you.
Computer Scientist: Yeah, maybe, what courses you taking right now?
Software Engineer: Physics and Chemistry. You?
Computer Scientist: Algorithms, Operating Systems, Computer Architecture and Networking.
by vaxt February 21, 2006
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A problem so gangsta that you best be busting out your pocket non-deterministic turing machine to solve. No pimp should be caught solving problems in anything slower than polynomial time. That just ain't right.
Carl: Yo momma is SO FAT, determining her weight is NP-Complete!
Gary: ... What?
Carl: BURN!
by vaxt February 1, 2006
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A fucked up instruction set architecture, or ISA, based on the Intel 8086 microprocessor. Really confusing to program with in Assembler. Supports 8, 16, 32 and now 64-bit instructions and data. x86 is classified as "CISC" or "Complex Instruction Set Computer".

The two largest x86 chip producers are Intel and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD).
Jimmy: x86 is awesome.
Larry: You've clearly never done any assembly programming on one, have you?
Jimmy: ... Uh, no?
Larry: Thats what I thought... n00b.
by vaxt February 21, 2006
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What Apple Computer's switched from after announcing new computers containing Intel microprocessors.

Used in high end servers, Legacy Apple Computers, Xbox 360, Nintendo Game Cube, Playstation 3 (Part of the Cell Microprocessor) and various Embedded devices.

Manufactured primarily by IBM and Motorola.
James: PowerPC RULEZ!
Steve: Then why doesn't Microsoft use it?
James: They use it in Xbox 360!
Steve: Okay, then why did apple STOP using it?
James: ...
Steve: It's okay man, denial is the first stage.
James: <cries>
by vaxt February 21, 2006
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A poorly pronounced or spelled version of tosser. Synonymous with wanker. An Australian term for a guy that masturbates a lot, rather, A bloke that masturbates a lot.
Non-Australian: G'Day Mate!
Australian: Shut the fuck up Tossa.
by vaxt February 13, 2006
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Apple Computer's line of professional grade notebook computers that contain Intel x86 hardware, as opposed to IBM or Motorola PowerPC hardware. The MacBook Pro line was launched January 10th, 2006, claiming to be 4 to 5 times as fast as the (Now Legacy) PowerPC line of professional notebooks known as Powerbooks.
Steve: You going to order a MacBook Pro?
James: Hell no! POWERPC RULES!
Steve: I hear you can put Linux and Windows on it too.
by vaxt February 21, 2006
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Used to (loosely) describe a geographic location that the person saying it is currently located. This person is usually a Thug or Gangsta or perhaps a Wigger.
Deshawn: Yo man, this place be bunk!
Antwon: Yeah, lets roll out this bitch.
by vaxt February 21, 2006
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