6 definitions by upisdn

The action of navigating your environment by sight using the live view screen of the device via its camera mode. Ideally, cupping hands so one can only view whats on screen and adapting to the super close up digital video view.
Them: "Hey quit cyborging around, your going to trip on something."

Me: "Beat it, I'm getting assimilated into the digital" "I see you, whoa, trip on that."

Me: "I can record my cyborgin' too"
by upisdn September 7, 2010
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Too easy. (concatenated)
by upisdn March 1, 2021
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Any of the whiney far left.
"Hey we need more than 3 gender bathrooms, we need everyone to build another for DYSPHRIA!!!"

"Shut your dumb cuck hole, one bathroom can suit us all"
by upisdn August 1, 2017
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A generalization of a person, scene of people, or event that is essentially lame, a cliche, overrated, worthless, overused, amateurish, self righteous, arrogant, condescending, for simpletons.

Yeypants might be amidst a demonstration, showing off, telling someone what or how to do something with a gleem of excitement, bragging, wearing fancy jeans, boasting or maybe simply strutting their stuff quietly or loudly, but in such obsolescence that it is just yeypants.
random: "Dude you are so yeypants for posting this definition."

me: "No dude I'm not, its a definition, apparently you don't even know what it means."

random: "That is so yeypants who cares."

me: "Could be, but if you use yeypants to much you become yeypants yourself."
by upisdn September 8, 2010
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imaginary technology promoted by word hype, no actual product.
marketing director: "Invest now in our future thinking start up now, it's gonna blow up!"

advisor: "don't do it, there is no product, it's etherware"
by upisdn August 24, 2018
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A type of drawing technique that fluidly morphs, reshapes with more definition into something new, sometimes by rotating canvas. So many drawings in one.
Twitch creative stream chat: "Wow dude, that is shapeshifter kung fu you are dropping on canvas."
by upisdn December 3, 2016
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