1 definition by ulusion

It's a beautiful country located in south american, with one of the most beautiful women in the world.
Venezuela is the best place to party and have some fun.
Beautiful beaches,mountains (with snow! :O) and it has a beautiful desert called "Los Medanos De Coro".
Venezuela also has one of the tallest waterfalls called the Angel Falls or "El Salto Del Angel"
Part of the amazon is in Venezuela

it's current president is an asshole called chavez , he is a corrupt leader who wants to be like Fidel. He is stealing all of Venezuelas money, and everyone hates him , he does not admit that the majority doesn't want him. He cheats every-time there is an election but next time there one the people are gonna kick his ass

The Venezuelan president sucks "Chavez es una mierda" Chavistas abran los ojos antes de que el aniamal destruya a venezuela.
by ulusion March 26, 2009
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