5 definitions by twg

When you do a money shot on a girl with acne, while singing the Star Spangled Banner.
Jeff has great memories of All American Pizza, under the bleachers during the basketball games in high school.

money shot pizza face star-spangled under the bleachers basketball game
by twg October 27, 2015
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To have a disposable rig
Your power supply is foddered? Oh too bad, pull another one down from the dispenser.
by twg February 10, 2003
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Once, a friend tried to make sangria, but lacking the proper ingredients, suggested that the drink be prepared with the orange drink Tang. Shocked and dismayed, one of my friends said "oh, now that's tang!" as a reference to describe how tacky or poor the situation had become.
"oh, now that's tang!"
by twg June 21, 2004
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In the gay community, it's an adjective used to describe a sexy guy, but not the feminine kind of guy, but a more masculine guy; one who you wouldn't identify as being gay if you saw him on the street.
1) If you see a hot guy, you say: "Woof!"

2) He's woofy!
by twg June 20, 2004
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To die a horrible sniping death means you were woogied.

Me and my buddy was in a fox hole back in WWII when all of a sudden his head explodes. It turns out a sniper woogied him from atop a hill.
by twg February 10, 2003
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