3 definitions by trombone69

THE Wind Ensemble is a term which is applied to a large group of musicians who gather together to bless the outside world with their incredible creation of musical fusion. One of the most known Wind Ensemble's is that which is at Eagan High School. According to many critics, this ensemble is better than most college bands.
Matt: Simon which ensemble did you make this year?

Simon: Just as I did last year, I earned a place in THE Wind Ensemble

Andy: Same here!
by trombone69 November 1, 2011
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A Guzior is a person who is distinctly talented at grinding at homecoming dances. A Guzior is a sex machine. This is evidenced by his orgasmic sex face, which woman orgasm at the sight of. The vast sex appeal of a Guzior also appeals to men as well. Men can't help but jizz their pants as they watch a Guzior complete a varsity cross country race. A Guzior is also very artistically talented. He routinely displays his artistic talent as a trumpet player in THE Eagan High School Wind Ensemble. If you ever insult a Guzior, expect a fury of vulgar terms to ensue.
Acton: Hey Guzior good job packing it up with Feiock and myself during the last varsity race

Guzior: God you guys are such dicks. You never fucking stop do you?

Feiock: No Guzior, you are the one who never stops
by trombone69 November 3, 2011
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Someone who is egotistical has incredibly high confidence in themselves. They often tend to be very pretentious and arrogant. They tend to be disliked by their peers.
Thomas: I was one of three trumpets accepted into Northwestern's School of Music

Derek: With credentials like that, what fantastic job do you have?

Thomas: I was the director of a very fine group back in Wassau, Wisconsin and forever changed the direction their program. After that, I directed THE Eagan High School Wind Ensemble, and THE Eden Prarie Community Band. Both of which are better than most, if not all college bands.

Jeff: Wow! How do those ensembles do in competition?

Thomas: I don't need a judge to tell me how good my ensembles are!

Conrad: Shut up Tom! Why must you be so egotistical?
by trombone69 October 30, 2011
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