1 definition by torturedlittleman

Using physical or emotional pain to pry information from someone, or for cruel self enjoyment.
The following events actually happened, and there are no exaggerations. I am 14 years old, a freshman in high school. I had always been the loser, right up through middle school. I had been beaten up, had hundreds of wedgies, and even been forced to eat dog poop. The seniors thought they would have a party with me after school. They were going to torture me. They invited me to come with them, possibly to spend the night, so I told my parents I would not be back that night. The seniors started as soon as they got to the empty house. The brought me down to the basement, and ripped off all of my clothes, so I was standing naked, and cold. They found duck tape and rope and tied me to a chair. They also found plyers. Two of them each held one pair. They clamped my nipples, and twisted as hard as they could. My nipples began to bleed, and I screamed for help. They laid the chair down and broke out the bottom. Now my bare white ass cheeks were fully exposed. They clamped and twisted my ass cheeks to. One took a two by four and stood at the other end of the room. He ran with the board like a javalin and it slammed into my ass. I cried for help, and begged for them to let me go. They decided to try something new. They carried me and the chair to a lamp in the corner. The lightbulb was extremely hot. They picked up the lamp and pressed it against my scrotum. I screamed and twitched spasmaticaly from the searing burn on my genitals. They decided a "Grand Finally" was in order. They gathered three paintball guns, and loaded them each with 100 shots exactly. They took me outside and tied me to a tree. They wrapped my legs around the tree so it looked like I was humping it, my bare ass sticking out. They stood all of two feet away, and fired all 300 paintballs at my ass. The skin on the cheeks peeled and blistered and stung. They even held my ass open once, just for good measure. When I got home my parents were horrified. Ice packs, burn cream, and two weeks of no school was the least thing I could do, for my ass is scarred. I also have a large burn scar on my scrotum. My girlfriend thinks it is sexy. I think it is horrible.
by torturedlittleman March 25, 2009
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