3 definitions by torpedoheat

versatility in the way something can be placed, which can be applied to almost anything

a.k.a. having many different ways to position something
"step your game up. rock that hat with some positional variety"

"on a scale of 1 - 10, i'd give him a 9.9 in positional variety. we was all over the place!"

by torpedoheat September 25, 2007
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verb: to manipulate another person using ones intellect and wit. aka to mindfuck someone

past tense: (brained) to be outsmarted

noun: (brain) the master plan

also short for "brainwash"
"She took you for all your chips? Man, she brained you, sucka."

"He's so smooth, he's the master of the brain."

"BRAIN!" (in recognition of a clever plan)
by torpedoheat September 22, 2007
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so weak that you be talkin shit about it all week
"that's weekly! i can't believe he did that."
by torpedoheat September 25, 2007
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