114 definitions by tomorrowtomorrow

A phenology of an continuously infinite number of self-Gods. Specifically infinity^infinity x infinity^infinity x infinity^infinity... Gods in which each infinity^infinity represents a self-God.
Thomas Davidson initially defined apeirotheism to mean "God-selves." This was re-defined in 2018 by Kashif Vikaas to mean 'self-God'.

It is the illusory-chimeral (symbol-sense) synthesis to the monotheistic (intersubjective) God.

Apeirotheism is a recursion of panentheism.

by tomorrowtomorrow December 13, 2018
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The state in which more complex attributes are a subset of less complex attributes.

In contrast to mechanisticity state in which less complex parts are a subset of more complex parts.
Spectrality is one of three phenologies that comprise metamodernism.
by tomorrowtomorrow December 2, 2018
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Internal symmetry.

Internal dualism.

Structural dualism.
Disymmetry posits that a structure externally symmetrical is by definition INTERNALLY symmetrical. Internal symmetry is by definition structurally dualistic (disymmetric). Thus structure is by definition internal dualism.

Structure and internal dualism share a bijective (cotingent) relationship. Internal dualism is cotingently structure and structure is cotingently internal dualism.

This result conspicuously self-referentializes a cotingent relationship between asymmetry and contiguity.
by tomorrowtomorrow November 12, 2018
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A phenology in which science and law share the same boundaries.
Propertarianism demonstrates that law and science share the same a priori assumption. Law is based on the assumption of liability and science is based on the assumption of falsifiability (the scientific method).
by tomorrowtomorrow December 21, 2018
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A phenomenology of the mind that deconstructs copyright law by applying property law to linguistic formalism (phonemology).

Propertarianism would further proffer that no one outside of the anarcho-monarchist owns one's own body.
Propertarianism argues that there is no such thing as intellectual property by counterposing property law and proprietarian (agentic) rights.

Propertarianism would argue that law and property completely cancel each other out.

Propertarianism would argue that one's only property is one's feelings.
by tomorrowtomorrow March 23, 2019
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Ideology (phenomenon) in which power alternates between the monarch and the judiciary.

An ideology in which there IS no legislature.

Right-wing (reactionary) constructivism.
by tomorrowtomorrow January 13, 2019
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The vector of linear time in contraposition to the vector of cyclical time.

The momentum of effective or linear time.
The vector of effective time is alt-left.
by tomorrowtomorrow July 16, 2018
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