81 definitions by timmy

A poodle who pimps, commenly wears leather.
Wow look at that pimpy poodle, hes so cool.

David: Pimpy poodle is my best friend, he goes to my gimp tea parties.

Beert: Lets have club lunch.

David: I have caviar and butter.
by timmy January 4, 2005
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feeling xtremely good about everything, or one thing in general, something overwhelimingly awsome, awsomeness to the highest power, complete awsomeness
holy crap that is boatristic man
by timmy February 17, 2005
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as first seen on the Buxton FC forum.1. A device to warm the cheeks.2. To exclaim disbelief.
"Arseplates young man that can not be!"
by timmy January 25, 2005
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1) Word used in place of general explicit language in order to soften the emotion of the language.
2) A person acting in a silly manor
3) An endearing way to address a friend
4) An omen of good fashion
5) One's genitalia
1) "What the diddley?"
2) "She's quite the diddley."
3) "Diddley, I love you."
4) "May the diddley be with you."
5) *pokes you in the diddley*
by timmy October 27, 2002
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A bitch who likes to be jazzmed on.
Look at that jizz bitch. I need to teach her a lesson and unload on her.
by timmy July 30, 2004
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To be gommy is to be slow, geekish, four-eyed, lethargic and off the ball
Nick is just SO gommy!
by timmy February 14, 2005
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