16 definitions by ti

The name for the US military's current close air support aircraft. It can carry a multitude of missiles (Maverick), cluster bombs (CBU97), and guided bombs. It also carries the General Electric GAU-8/A Avenger Gatling gun. It is as large as an old Volkswagen Beetle, and has 7 30mm, quick rotating barrels that fire armor penetrating rounds.
The Iraqi Republican Guards shit their pants when they heard the cry of the A10's turbines and the yell of the GAU-8/A.
by ti November 13, 2004
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Does exactly what it says on the tin.

A plaster for bleeding twats.

ie. A tampon, or sanitary towel.
For fuck's sakes Shane, you really are a complete twat plaster.
by ti September 3, 2004
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Sexy (junglist) member with a sweet ass.
by ti February 1, 2003
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-something that any idiot can use as a cheat sheat(if programmable)
-but that few actually bother to program...

-TI 83
-TI 89 {to expemnsive to own, borrowed from calculus teacher}
-TI 92 {to expensive for school to own, borrowed from Texas insturments}
AnyIdiot: yo I wrote da answers too da test in my calkiladder....and i stull get dem rong

aFeW: I solved the problems in my head, and used the rest of my time to program my calculator to send instant messages, and emails.
by ti June 9, 2004
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This one if for my Cackalacka niggas
by ti April 20, 2004
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Guy who is bent on getting computers for free. Pays for game server with sex and other bodily fluid exchanges.
weee theres JungleMunkey! i can get buttunf from him!
by ti February 1, 2003
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Some damn fine pot, hydroponically grown to suit your needs.
Money rolls, cars and clothes, that's how all my niggas roll

Burnin' dro, 24's, that's how all my niggas roll
by ti November 3, 2004
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