9 definitions by thicccscrunchie

A double walled medal water bottle to keep the water/liquid inside cold.

Also literally the best thing made other than chapstick and me
Wooowwww that yellow hydro flask works really well! It’s keep the ice in big chunks even through the night! Anddddd you can put really really cute stickers on it
by thicccscrunchie March 2, 2019
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She is smart, funny, gorgeous, great at makeup, great at dressing. And she loves her best friend olive
Wow Lauren is so shrexy
by thicccscrunchie February 12, 2019
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The love of my life.

Basically a guy with really broad shoulders, dreamy eyes, reddish brown hair, and has noice thighs. He has a smile that gives you butterflies. He has dark humor and it’s very charming. When he looks at you across the room your heart fracking skips a beat bro.
Dude that girl is so lucky, she has a Ben, he’s such a VSCO boyfriend
by thicccscrunchie March 2, 2019
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When you dream about your special person, when you can’t atop thinking about them. When you get butterflies because of them. When you get excited to see them again. Love is when you feel a very very very very special connection to someone/something
“I think she’s in love with ben , she gets very very excited near him and cries when she misses him.”
by thicccscrunchie March 2, 2019
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A girl who drink too much water, gets straight A’s, uses lots of chapstick, cries a lot, is super athletic, and is friends with a lot of guys. She hates the popular girls she think they are a little to head strong. HAS NEVER EVER CURSED IN HER LIFE. Reads everyday in her spare time. And is very very gorgeous, her eyes sparkle, her smile is to die for, her laugh is contagious, is hilarious, she’s sassy, and she is easy to fall in love with.
“Olive is perfect, why hasn’t she gotten a vsco boyfriend yet
by thicccscrunchie March 1, 2019
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An intelligent, gorgeous, snarky, funny, young woman who works hard. She loves reading. Loves eating carbs. Loves to play with toys because she’s secretly still a six year old inside. Is a total Cali girl. She loves her older sister too
Hattierose is very gorgeous
by thicccscrunchie March 1, 2019
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Not my boyfriend sadly

This is a boyfriend who trades their sweatshirt/hoodie for your scrunchie. Loves you a lot. Dances with you. Screenshots your snaps. Dances with you. Actually talks to you. Kisses you. Cuddle you. Looks at you like a Disney movie
olive has a VSCO boyfriend and it’s not fair
by thicccscrunchie March 1, 2019
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