5 definitions by thefallenrising

Love is not at first sight as most cliches say. Love is a knowledge that can only be realized through time. It is not the funny feeling you accumulate in your stomach when you see a pretty face. Love is a bond that says, "No matter what comes between us, I am your confidant. You can have Faith that I'm there for you and I trust that you'll be there for me."

Love is the act of never ending a bond no matter how difficult it may be.

Love is the humility to give a piece of yourself without expecting anything in return.

You can love your girl/boyfriend, wife/husband, children, brother/sister (I know that's difficult!), mother/father, etc.

You can Love you friends but it is just as important to Love your enemies!
Love is Patient. Love is Kind. God is Love!
by thefallenrising August 20, 2008
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Morality is not one thing for one person and something else for another. Morality is a set of guidelines in order to help us live our lives as positively and effectively so that we all may ultimately have a greater grasp at the pursuit of happiness. If we follow our morals, we may find and instill in our souls a greater glimpse of Joy and Peace than we could ever fathom. And if we follow this path, we may find ourselves engulfed in the Grace of God.
Morality is not: It's wrong to drink. Sex before marriage is bad.

Morality is: Do not let drinking, eating, as well as money consume you and take you from the more important things in life, such as God.

If I have sex before marriage, I might thirst more for Lust than Love and/or this could ultimately destroy my future as a loving husband/wife or father/mother.
by thefallenrising August 20, 2008
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Forget what you were thinking about. To be in a "rusted state of mind". Writer's Block. Can't think straight.
I was talking to my girlfriend while I was writing a paper so I became rustated.
by thefallenrising August 20, 2008
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The Wisdom and ultimate Act of Love. The knowledge that, no matter what anybody else says, gives you something to Hope for. A strong Trust in something that can easily be doubted. The knowledge that nothing will loosen somebody else's Fidelity to you.
I have Faith in the Hope of God's return.

A child has Faith that their parents are going to catch them when they jump!
by thefallenrising August 20, 2008
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A knowledge that, even though we may feel is impossible, something great beyond words will happen. Sometimes, a search and knowledge that there will be Light in a Darkened time.
An unmarried couple is split apart for 18 weeks. They Hope for the day when they reunite.

GOD is HOPE in a darkened world.

by thefallenrising August 20, 2008
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