1 definition by thecollectiveapparitions

Bambis (also known as a "Beige Kid") are tan (from their nationality, not the sun) skinny boys who always wear skin tight jeans. A Bambi is often mistaken for a hipster, but they usually wear simple clothes like skinnies, vans, and a plain t shirt opposed to a hipster's native design, triangles, etc. Also, they do not have a "cookie cutter" description on how they behave or what musical preferences they have. The term Bambi is not a social label, it simply to describe their looks and create an accurate separation from the broad term known as "hipster" or what they were formerly confused as,"emo." The majority of babmbis live in southern California.
Boy: Do you know that hipster kid over there?
Girl: Yes, but he isn't a hipster. He still acts likes any of us.. They call them bambi kids cause their skinny and tan like a deer.
Boy: Oh! Hah well thanks for the lesson on social labels.
Girl: It's not! It's... Oh whatever.
by thecollectiveapparitions September 4, 2012
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