3 definitions by thechickennuggetwaswiseonce...

A verb that is used to describe speed, and in no way related to a wolf.
Timmy said, "Mommy, look at that RapidWolf!" "Timmy, use you grammar correctly, it's Rapid Wolf, and also that word cannot be used to describe a wolf in the first place."
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A jigabit is the superior way to say gigabit.
Peasant Friend: "Ugh, this download is taking ages. Dude, why does this download have to be 3.1 Gigabits, it's not even a content update."
You, an Intellectual: "Is this some kind of peasant joke I'm too smart to understand. It's Jigabits, I don't even know you."
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A short, fat, and stubby piece of shit, also usually indian. Note: A person, not actually a pile of short shit.
"Look at Sheena, ain't she a bitch."
by thechickennuggetwaswiseonce... January 10, 2019
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