6 definitions by the anonymous turkey

I want to do my work but I'm lazy and I don't feel like getting off my bed.
"Bruh, do your fucking work. Your boss asked you to finish this by tonight."

by the anonymous turkey October 28, 2020
There's only two ways you can say "fr".

1. Out of pure shock/disbelief.

2. Someone you don't really care about is talking to you and they something semi-interesting but not interesting enough for you to care but you don't want to hurt their feelings so you just go "oh, fr?" with ur tone in voice going slightly up.
A: "Did you know that Sasha got in trouble by Ms. Peters today?"
B: "Oh, fr? Why?"

A: "Apparently Sasha had a one-night stand with Ms. Peter's husband! They're going to get divorced now!"
B: "Oh fr? WAIT, FR?"
by the anonymous turkey October 29, 2020
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Chuhang is the type of person who is adamant of what he believes in. He likes to know the context of things. Ex. He would wonder why you identify more as a cat burrito than a dino nugget. Although he seems to have an iron wall around him at first, he treats his friends really well. He is also a dark humor fanatic. If you don't like dark humor, you probably don't like Chuhang.
That Christmas tree looks a lot like Chuhang!!!
by the anonymous turkey October 28, 2020
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There are only 2 well-liked pedophiles. Hisoka from Hunter X Hunter and Usui from Kaichou-wa Maid Sama.

Ok but other than that he's a really good antagonist and arguably one of the best antagonists in anime history.
Hisoka: *moans with his back arched and hands on his hips "GONNNNNNNN"
by the anonymous turkey October 28, 2020
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When you're about to cry and you're trying to hold your tears in. That tingling feeling in your nose feels a bit sour.
"Are you ok?"

"Yea, hol' up. I have a sour nose."
by the anonymous turkey October 29, 2020
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One of the best feelings you could ever feel. Nostalgia can take you back to a time that had a much different flow than your current lifestyle. You may be an adult right now and feel nostalgic of the days you would play outside in a little sandbox when you were 5 years old. It makes you go "Ahhh... the good old days." Or it doesn't have to be a throwback of that long. Maybe you have had work piling on your table for 3 weeks and you finally finished it. You'd think to yourself. "Wow... this is so nostalgic. I can party with my friends and have a normal sleep schedule now." Nostalgia is warm and brings a smile to your face.
"Omg, remember that time when we used to hang out and gossip about the boys in our school together?"

"Bruh LMAO I remember that..."
"Wow, that was like a decade ago. The good old days when grades were the only things we needed to worry about."

"Yea, the nostalgia!!!"
by the anonymous turkey October 28, 2020
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