1 definition by tay-rose21

There are 2 pretty common answers for true beauty:

1. True beauty is every persons face without make-up. Many believe that when you constantly wear make up, it masks your natural/true beauty.

2. (the most important one) Is who you are in your heart. How you look can, and will change. But the person you are can never change, unless you allow it to be changed. The person you are one the inside is the true beautiful person that should really be seen.
#1: Person 1:"Wow, I've never seen Tracy without makeup!"
Person 2:"Yeah. Now her true beauty can shine through."

#2: Person 1:"That was so sweet of you Tracy."
Person2 :"It really was! Now everyone can see you're sweet side, your true beauty."
by tay-rose21 April 7, 2011
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