14 definitions by tangledupinbloo

1. A bitch. Ill-tempered, nasty, always spoiling for a fight, looking for a way to run someone else down, or taking something the wrong way. May be either gender.

2. A fast-moving bitch that will roll up behind you and smack you in the head (verbally or otherwise) without warning and for no good reason.

3. A bitch who can't stand it if he/she isn't getting all the attention, all the time.
In any "reality TV" show, there is at least one "bitch on roller skates" who can't get along with anyone else and always has to be the center of attention.
by tangledupinbloo December 8, 2009
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1. Constant whiner. One who can find a down side to anything, and loves to share.

2. A person who's problems are always worse than your problems. Competitive complainer.

3. Someone who isn't happy unless they're UNhappy.
Debbie mentioned she was coming down with a cold. Penny, the gripemeister, said, "I've had this cold for a month! My head feels like it's been run over by a truck, my body feels like it's tied in knots, my nose is running like the Amazon, but (A-CHOOOOOOO! Here...have some), I'll probably live."
by tangledupinbloo December 11, 2009
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1. Any orifice in which a man may deposit his seed.

2. Vagina. Owner not important.

3. Concubine.
Tiger Woods was not content with one DNA Receptacle.
by tangledupinbloo December 9, 2009
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n. Title

1. A word to use in place of "Czar" when discussing government bureaucrats appointed to supposedly advisory positions.

2. A word to use in place of "official" or "authority" when discussing those who have no official authority over anything.

3. Your boss

4. Leader of any fraternal organization.
The Economic Poobah announced today that All's Well.
by tangledupinbloo December 9, 2009
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1. Trashy looking clothing, makeup, hair styles,tattoos, or piercings. Can be for adult women, teenagers, or toddlers.

2. Fashion suitable for a hooker, or a Red Hat Lady.

3. An attitude or way of speaking that gives observers or listeners the impression one might be "easy".
This new, purple nail polish I tried on is hookerific!
by tangledupinbloo December 21, 2009
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One who digs deep for old or valuable chat board threads.

One who recognizes the historical and/or cultural value of old threads.

One who is bored with what's posted on page 1.
I'm so glad the Thread Miner was able to find that old thread!
by tangledupinbloo January 22, 2010
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1. Something that's so vile and disgusting, it makes you want to barf.

2. Something that's so funny, you 'spew' whatever you're drinking all over your computer.

3. May be a combination of 1 and 2.
Some of the things I've seen on the internet are truly spew-worthy.
by tangledupinbloo December 12, 2009
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