2 definitions by syst3ms

RAT \ Remote Access Trojan, RATs are malicious programs that run invisibly on host PCs and permit an intruder remote access and complete control designed specifically for stealth installation and operation, RATs can delete and modify files, format hard disks, upload and download files, harass users, and drop off other malware.
an unl3ashed_t3rror dropped a "RAT" proggie and wiped out the hard drives on our clients "RIGS"
by syst3ms September 11, 2009
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A hacker typically a "Black Hat" On a destructive rampage or mission of harrasment in a social cyber enviroment such as chatrooms.
unl3ash3d_t3rror wiped out 2 servers and corrupted all of the root files \ unl3ash3d_t3rror rolled into the room and slapped a "RAT" on evryones "RIG"
by syst3ms September 11, 2009
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