1 definition by supernothing1234

-noun, plural

A logo is a symbol of class discrimination. Low budget products are produced and sold as high priced brands and clothing. While children in Sri Lanka are sewing on the Nike swoosh, kids in America are wearing that same swoosh on their shoes ,shirts, baseball caps and backpacks. A company uses logos to spread their product throughout our society, a logo can be found anywhere, school hallways, magazines, product placement in movies and children even check their homework off with a ‘swoosh’ instead of check marks. A logo can determine how much was spent on the item, name brands and logo endorsed clothing is like walking out of the house with the items price tag still on.
' hey look, you can see how much i spent on this t-shirt because of the logo that is placed on it.'
by supernothing1234 June 10, 2009
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