30 definitions by stray

She and Paris went to my school. No joke.
I parked her car in safety apparently, when she went to pick up her cousin or whatever.
The Hilton sister who did a little more with her life. I won't diss Paris (for being what she is, there are so many other unfamous people in the world exactly like her) but people on here really need to get a life, THEY ARE JUST PEOPLE TOO!!!
me: no....
me: okay...
girly 8th grader: PARIS IS MY IDOL!
me: *sigh* (And I'm Michael Jackson..)-_-

by stray October 5, 2004
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The lead singer of the bay area punk band, The Dead Kennedys, who's material included some of the most groundbreaking and intelligent music I have ever heard. This is because of Jello Biafra. That man is politically and intellectually informed. And funny while at it. Although the Dead Kennedys were during the Reagan era, his views still speak strong today, and today he works actively for change. Go research the guy, he OWNS YOU.
Jello Biafra for president...2012!!!!!!
(So I can vote for him then :)
by stray November 18, 2004
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1) A parasite that enters the human digestive system and grows and thrives off what the human host consumes, causing severe weight loss or other digestive problems. See parasitism
1) My brother's girlfriend's uncle's lover went to New Guinea and came back 50 pounds thinner and with severe anal pain. We later found out, 34 months after he died, that he had been holding a tapeworm inside of him.
by stray December 6, 2003
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The 3rd View gang! see 3rd View
"Damn if one more of my homies gets wacked by the Third View I think I'll kill my self before they get me! Shit here comes stray!"
by stray May 6, 2004
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(Or Pube Rock)
A spin-off "genre" of rock music practiced and lead by the soon-to-be-famous-emaciated-circus-bear, Brian K. Music traits usually consist of punk, pop, or hard rock rhythms of cover songs and rarely originals, killer face-melting drum solos, and "Peter Brady" style vocals. Adopted by any aspiring pubertal 12 year old with a passion for music and with impressive talent, minus the singing...

12 year old+drums+cd burner+camp+14 year old groupies=PUBERTY ROCK

kid 1: is that him playing drums?
kid 2: yeah
kid 1: and guitar?
kid 2: yeah
kid 1: wow...he sucks
kid 2: thats just his voice, the music is good though..
by stray September 15, 2004
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(or Juany)

A short kid with a huge ego who likes rap a lot and aint that bad at it. Kind of cute, but desperately needs attention, also mean to a lot of people.
Wannie's coming!

I slow danced with Juany and my arms were at the level of my chest.
by stray April 16, 2004
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The very essence of sex, an amazing songwriter, singer and musician all in one. He is the lead singer/songwriter for rock band The Strokes, and is incredibly talented and sophisticated. He is also the most gorgeous man in rock today. He knows how to dress, he's got class and god dammit one look at those juicy lips, sultry eyes and sexy ass and you're hooked forever. He's so apathetic but he expresses so much radiant emotion by just existing. The kind of guy you would want to walk in on while he's jackin off then do dirty shit to!
Julian Casablancas belongs in my bed. His sophistication and class drive me madly insanely in love, and he is too good for the MTV/mainstream audiences. He's too classy to be famous, and still too sexy even when he looks apathetically stoned. We can get drunk and be melancholy together. I LOVE JULIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by stray April 13, 2004
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