1 definition by stevieB

Skiv is a word almost impossible to define but here is my best attempt. The person or persons sitting in a certain part of a room attempting to be "Ghetto" "gangsta" usually have poor hygiene. On the male side being not shaven and have few distinct hairs as a mustache as well have a cap tilt sideways, bums people for smokes as well wears a muscle shirt where one is not needed. As well raggy old baggy pants are a must.

For females its mainly women who think they are all that hang out with said guys, also bum for smokes have those tight white pants with stains all over them as well get all up in your "grill" if you approach them with any perplexing looks on your face.
See that guy over there in the corner bummin' people for smokes, he is a skiv.
by stevieB April 21, 2006
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