664 definitions by steve

My own extensive research has found that the term 'hella' or 'hellof' did not originate in San Francisco, but rather Oakland, as the first anyone remembers hearing it was Oaklnd in 1976, then later. in the early 80s in San Francisco.
I tripped on my shoe laces hella times today.
by steve September 24, 2004
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The word hella dates back hella long. The first time I remember hearing it was in oakland in 1978.
Evreyone seems to think that the word originated in San Francisco, and thats hella wrong.
by steve July 30, 2005
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1.The word distributor when spoken by an ignorent black woman on the phone.

2.What happens when you 'ax' 'queshins' that contain very large words
Q : "Ma'am, can I get your distributor number?"
A: "What! I ain'ts no describular!"

"Quits discriblin my werds all up!"
by steve March 24, 2005
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when a women gives head to a guy while he is taking a shit on the toilet
dod that chic gives wicked good plunkers
by steve March 22, 2005
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Bald headed technical teacher. He's a cool guy. He has a dislike (or phobia) for hair so he shaves his all off.
Joke: Did ya get the Cow'in?
Should actually be a baldie. Usually with a Sharpy or Baldie in tow.
Quick!, lets go rub cowan's head for good luck. Aarrgh!, the reflection off of cowan's head blinded me! (lol)
by steve January 12, 2005
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a polite way of saying the british term "dogs bollocks" whic means good > the mutz nutz
wow, your new bike is the mutz nutz man
by steve April 13, 2006
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Vietnamese currency. Equivalent to the US Dollar.
That Vietnamese dinner will be 25 dong. Please pay at the register.
by steve May 13, 2004
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