3 definitions by splashtonkutcher

slang from jersey city to dress tacky or extravagant

to drip in wearing GAUDI Jeans
gaudy boy- you see this gaudi jeans

thot- mmm gaudy boy supreme deluxe
by splashtonkutcher March 11, 2018
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A term of endearment derived from jersey city, nj

Used to describe someone who is aqua pack affiliation or simply "a friend".
wetgod- *opens door*

snowgod- Whats up my drippa!
by splashtonkutcher October 11, 2018
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adjective to describe your outfit similar to swag, sauce, steez, swank
dripmane - "mane my outfit is dripping right now"

friend - "your outfit wet asf"
by splashtonkutcher October 9, 2018
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