6 definitions by spiritualdishwasher

"Ex Models sound like Devo with Sonic Youth style noise freakouts."
by spiritualdishwasher November 5, 2003
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"Some say it's their worst album, but 'Trompe le Monde' is a totally underrated Pixies album."
by spiritualdishwasher November 5, 2003
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1. pimp
2. someone who gets cooler with age.
1. When you saw Sam in the stretch Honda Civic, you knew he was an emizzle!

2. Stephen Tyler is the antithesis of an emizzle.
by spiritualdishwasher January 10, 2004
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1. pimp
2. someone who gets cooler with age.
1. When you saw Sam in the stretch Honda Civic, you knew he was an emizzle!

2. Stephen Tyler is the antithesis of an emizzle.
by spiritualdishwasher January 9, 2004
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a naively foolish husckster, usually marked by big eyes and skinny legs
"With his large, glasses adorned eyes, Billy was surely a goober."
by spiritualdishwasher November 5, 2003
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