4 definitions by speede

the best intestinal disease on the market today, complete with evacuating your bowels without end!
<hears dude letting lose> "uh oh! sounds like cholera!"
by speede May 20, 2004
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fellatio whilst having mentos or other strong mints in their mouth, producing a cool tingly sensation.
D - dude, she was going down on me right
M - yea
D - but she put 2 ALTOIDS in her mouth first. OMFG!
M - she gave you a freshmaker!
by speede January 2, 2007
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A situation in which multiple (3+) gun weilding people are all pointing their shit at each other. They hold out to shoot until someone fucks it up and everybody dies.
The snitch in Reservoir Dogs must have been like "man im fuckin up theres a mother fuckin mexican standoff going down in this mother fucker. fuck.'
by speede September 22, 2006
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the hilarious occurance of a headshot glancing off the opposition's helmet, making the classic *bink* sound while not inflicting the normal amount of damage for a headshot. made popular by a video of some dude that got real pissed when it kept happening.
{TTCDave| - WTFUX!>?!?
{TTCDave| - FUCKIN..!!1
{TTCDave| - *BINK*
by speede May 20, 2004
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