4 definitions by spacefroggo

1. An awesome character from Pokémon Sword/Shield
2. A beautiful and nice girl, she can probably beat you up or smthn if you hurt her or her friends, but otherwise she’s really kind, maybe kinda shy and quiet, probably likes goth/punk style clothes and listens to girl in red
person 1: omg I love Marnie, she’s so pretty!!
person 2: ikr! I wanna be her partner so bad!!! 🥺
by spacefroggo January 10, 2022
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A thing that people with ADHD do sometimes, and they don’t always choose to do it
i was playing Pokémon Sword on my Nintendo switch and I unintentionally hyperfocused on it and next thing I knew, the day was over! I didn’t even hear my mom telling me to stop playing on it! at least I completed the game lol
by spacefroggo January 10, 2022
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Oftentimes people with autism or ADHD have special interests, which are things that they can get sort of obsessed with.
Vee: *is wearing a shirt that says ‘ask me about my special interests’*
Someone: hey what are your special interests?

Vee: oh! one of mine is crystals! do you wanna hear some stuff about them?

someone: sure!
Vee: okay! *talks about everything they know about crystals for 1-2 hours*
by spacefroggo January 10, 2022
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a repetitive movement or sound that autistic people or people with ADHD do as a stimulatory behavior.
Joe: why is Vee shaking their fists like that?

Ryn: they’re stimming bc their favorite characters kissed and it made them happy
by spacefroggo January 10, 2022
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