1 definition by somerandomkidrightthere

Baldo Waldo is the King Believers.

A large group that originated from the Ushi No Tane Forums; most of the members are incredibly good people and are good friends with one another.

Originally made because of a character in the Harvest Moon series, Thomas, who is believed to be the Harvest King.

Their evidence includes the fact that he always, ALWAYS returns the dog ball you "lose" no matter how you get rid of it (or if you let it sit for too long), he breaks into your house on Christmas, he teleports, the Harvest Goddess has called the Harvest King a baldy, and, well, Thomas is a baldy. These are few of the many reasons they believe for.

The club died on its second anniversary on August 17th, 2010. May it rest in peace.

Let the members always remember the good times and the bad, the wars the the games, the love and the hate, the friends and the trolls.
BWKer: Did you see Thomas in the new Harvest Moon game? (・A・)

BWKer #2: Yeah, we should report to BWK that he's stalking us in YET ANOTHER GAME.

by somerandomkidrightthere August 18, 2010
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