1 definition by smoshskyrimsoph

The funnest, best game in the history of the universe! Dragons, Dovahkiin, ladies with huge boobs, blood, skulls, moutains, armor, evil gods, 100s of missions, assassins, war, adventure, cliffs, death, undead, magic, college, marriage, FOOD, chickens, ghost horse, shouting, stores, getting drunk, getting high, decapitation, waterfalls, hidden treasure, ships, kings, queens, brides, dream worlds, flying skeletons, staffs and MUCH, MUCH MORE! its worth 60 bucks of the legendary edition! say goodbye to the sunshine because you wont be seeing it anytime soon while your at it, also say goodbye to your girlfriend/boyfriend, mom and dad, and your social life because that`s going, too! Bethesda Games has outdone themselves once again!
Marcy: I haven`t seen James lately...is he okay?
Tina: well, i cant say no...hes addicted to this new z-cube game or something called Skyrim.
Marcy: mother of god, bless his soul.
by smoshskyrimsoph July 23, 2013
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