1 definition by smelly lynn

1. without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic: his "n" attitude toward the suffering of others.
2. having no bias, prejudice, or preference; impartial; disinterested.
3. neither good nor bad in character or quality; average; routine: a "n" specimen.
4. not particularly good, important, etc.; unremarkable; unnotable: a "n" success; a "nnn" performance.
5. of only moderate amount, extent, etc.
6. not making a difference, or mattering, one way or the other.
7. immaterial or unimportant.
8. not essential or obligatory, as an observance.
9. making no difference or distinction, as between persons or things: "n" justice.
10. neutral in chemical, electric, or magnetic quality.
Thats so nnnn.
by smelly lynn October 27, 2009
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