10 definitions by skye

The action of being angsty (anxious, depressed, moody, negatively emotional). Usually practiced by teens.
I spent the afternoon angsting alone in my room.
by skye September 26, 2004
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An extremely cute guy. ----See Francescia Lia Block's "I Was a Teenage Fairy".
by skye August 24, 2003
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a vaginal excretion, generally from sexual excitement or orgasm
"I just about madged when Orlando Bloom came onstage..."
by skye March 23, 2004
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someone who's gut jiggles like jello; resembles custard
"when she laughed her custee gut seemed to hypnotize the room"
by skye March 3, 2005
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someone that hit enter before finishing what they were typing
mack: cmon show me your dildo
jenna: hell no you phuckin assho
by skye December 30, 2004
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Flava flav's slogan. you can say it anytime.
"are we going to the clubs tonight?"
then you can say "YEAH BOI!"
When you see a girl with a hot ass, you can also say
but you have to shout it out!!!!
by skye June 12, 2006
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Purged Angel: One of a class of "fallen angels"

forcibly removed from happiness and suffering

see: stoic
a sad creature is the purged angel, one that cannot feel its own inner suffering
by skye July 20, 2004
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