25 definitions by shizzle

sup, i claim red ::PURO N0RTE::

yo i claim blue
by shizzle February 14, 2005
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As in tool. Complete arsehole who thinks they run the show.
That guy is a total chisel
by shizzle March 4, 2004
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a lil sack of weed that you pay for or can get for free from a buddy cause it really aint that much
i'll get u an ace for 10$ ma nigga
by shizzle February 6, 2005
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To fly, either one or numerous, amount of bees. Flying bees is becomming a popular hobby within NZ.
"Lets go nasir some bees" "WTF DUDE"
by shizzle April 9, 2003
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when somebody dis you and you be fellin stupid.
"You just got treated!!!!"
by shizzle November 9, 2003
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