1 definition by shitty car

Second of a logical progression of traded insults that can be applied to any statement, providing the other person plays along. Can be used when another person tries to turn an offhand statement back on you. Providing you are the one to make this statement, your victory is guaranteed.

Upon stating that something is (adjective) and having another person turn this back on you by stating that YOU are (adjective), you will respond that their face is (adjective). They will try to counter that your mother is (adjective), but upon stating that their mother is a whore, you will win, because nothing beats that.

Your opponent might predict where this is going early on and try to break order, but this just shows them to be a fucking douche.

Originates from a strip in the Gigaville webcomic.
A: That's fucking stupid.
B: You're stupid.
A: Your face is stupid.
B: Your mom's stupid.
A: Your mom's a whore.
B: Oh yeah, well... shit.
by shitty car November 2, 2007
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