1 definition by shhh17gamertag

an east coast state located between New Jersey and Ohio. Also knows as the keystone state. Most of the citizens refer to it as PA. The winters can be cold and the summers can be hot. Many children that grow up here later spite their parents for making them grow up in such a boring, secluded place...also can be quite depressing. The steelers fans are the worst and the Eagles fans aren't any better. Its a lose lose situation in PA. There are no palm trees, beaches, and forget about the weather. Its more than likely not going to go in your favor...ever.
Grown Child- I moved to California because its less depressing than PA. I also haven't spoken to my parents since i moved here 10 years ago because living in California made me realize how boring and depressing Pennsylvania.
by shhh17gamertag June 28, 2011
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