4 definitions by shamanticist

Bunker rock is a genre of classical rock characterized by its apocalyptic themes. While its musical style can vary wildly, the genre is primarily identified by a sharp juxtaposition between style and thematic material. It is common to hear songs written in a major key while the lyrics reflect upon themes of death and destruction.
I sometimes feel like modern people are obsessed with the end of the world, but then I listen to some bunker rock and it reminds me that things have been this way for awhile.
by shamanticist November 18, 2019
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having or showing little or no emotion towards Apple's business practices and product line
I used to hate Apple, now I'm kinda applethetic
by shamanticist October 21, 2011
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The mistaken belief that "if you build it, they will come". Responsible for the failure of many Internet startups.
The client didn't understand why no one was visiting his site and I just didn't have the heart to tell him that he had fallen for the Field of Dreams fallacy.
by shamanticist June 19, 2018
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the embarrassing situation that arises from someone's innocently attributing the wrong gender to another person
I nearly got in a gender bender, but when I spotted the adam's apple I decided to stick to gender-neutral pronouns
by shamanticist May 1, 2015
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