10 definitions by scarletmay13

(GIRL) A sharp witted, funny and spontaneous gal who constantly jumps the line between girly and tomboy. Sweet and compassionate, she will eliminate your entire bloodline if you cross her. Elderly people think her name is cute, her peers don't really care and she will always, ALWAYS be called "Mr. Charlie" at the doctor's office when they call her name. A cross between a tiger and a teddy bear, girl Charlies are always sarcastic and huggable.
Oh, sorry Charlie, I thought you were a boy, haha silly me. Is that your actual name? Is it short for Charlotte or something? Aww, a girl named Charlie, simply ADORABLE!!!
by scarletmay13 May 7, 2018
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Modeled after a cat in heat's mating call, this is the keyword used to tell your significant other that you are horny and would like to be pleasured. Very useful if you're too shy to outright ask for sexytime, or are currently in front of your grandma.
Rose: Mrow, Jack. Jack: Oh, yes, I have homework to do, come upstairs and help me Rose, bye Rose's grandma. *Strange creaking comes from upstairs a few minutes after they disappear*
by scarletmay13 May 7, 2018
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The term used in the film King industry to refer to a clothespin. Stems from the old Hollywood film supply warehouse where the clothespins were on asile C, bin 47. Very handy tool for all aspects of filmmaking, commonly pinned to crewmember's shirts for easy accessibility.
Hey Bill, can you hand me a C-47 please, I need to pin this gel.
by scarletmay13 May 7, 2018
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Floaty and sweet, Annies are like personified puffs of cloud. They usually have curly hair and have a hard time keeping track of everything, from their notes to their memory. They're like bumbling bumblebees, and with some tea and the occasional reminder, they are some of the most loyal and caring friends around.
Where's Annie?? I have no idea, she floated off somewhere about an hour ago.
by scarletmay13 May 7, 2018
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Alternate name for a bra, because let's be real, they're rocks made of flesh and they need to be held.
I need a new over the shoulder boulder holder, this one is broken.
by scarletmay13 May 7, 2018
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Dark Souls, with a buff avatar. Them undead souls are not the only snack around.
Are you playing Dark Souls? No, Swole Souls, my avatar is such a snack.
by scarletmay13 May 7, 2018
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When you can't say yes or no. "Nes" would be too much "yes" but yo has the perfect balance for uncertainty.
by scarletmay13 May 7, 2018
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