4 definitions by saresare93

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre of technology. When technology is being so uncooperative that you just want to take a chainsaw to it.
Bob: My iPod, phone AND laptop are all spazzing out and won't work properly.
Bill: It's a Techassacre.
by saresare93 June 2, 2011
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The chest scar created by heart surgery.
I have a zipper too, we were in the same hospital.
by saresare93 January 25, 2011
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A buncher is someone who collects or steals animals to sell to dogfighters or laboratories.

The most common occurrences of bunching are free-to-good-home advertisements, animals tied up outside shops, and animals left unsupervised in front yards.
Someone left their dog tied up outside the store, we can bunch it and sell it as fighting bait.
by saresare93 October 31, 2013
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