3 definitions by s.pan

you're driving to work or heading somewhere, it's not a leisure type of drive, you actually need to get somewhere. then someone cuts in on your fast lane and slows you down. you get upset because you're lane possessive.
by s.pan December 5, 2011
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What's For Lunch? Often used amongst coworkers and often used in the subject line in an email. There is no explanation needed in the body of the email.
email from a.timbol.

subject line: WFL?

response email from m.blackwood
subject line: WFL?
body of email will say:


OG means Olive Garden
by s.pan June 27, 2010
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a more endearing code name to describe the Time Of the Month as opposed to TOM or aunt Flo or even the red sea.
"i don't want to leave for vacation that weekend, Tommy might pay a surprise visit"
"i can't stand having Tommy around sometimes, i feel like i can't do anything"
guy: why are you so cranky?
girl: because i have an unwanted visitor, Tommy is visiting again.
by s.pan June 27, 2010
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